RCP/LM watch

Keeping an eye on the RCP/LM and its fronts

RCP/LM as a “far Right” group

The US Marxist magazine Jacobin posted an interesting, if wordy, article on the “normalization” of anti-Muslim hatred in the UK, which is worth reading in itself as it has some useful insights from a Left viewpoint [1]. Of interest to this blog, though, is that it cites and extensively quotes Brendan O’Neill, editor of Spiked, the RCP/LM’s tabloid website, as representative of a “far right” organisation, and repeatedly outs him as “far right”, with some justification based on his output in Spiked and other Right-wing outlets. Unsurprisingly, Spiked calls Islamophobia a “myth” – unsurprisingly, because the RCP/LM is by nature contrarian, and is particularly contrarily hostile to the UK Left for which Islamophobia is a given [2].

The sect has form in this kind of denial of the bleeding obvious in order to serve its ideological and publicity ends. During the Balkan wars of the early 90s, the sect repeatedly and stridently denied atrocity reports (except when committed against Serbs, natch) despite abundant evidence, and gave print space to atrocity deniers which eventually led to a libel action against LM magazine which brought it down [3]. In Rwanda, the RCP/LM denied that any kind of genocide was taking place. The sect continues to deny the reality of anthropogenic climate change. And so on.

Thus, denial of Islamophobia is par for the sect’s course, but the extent to which O’Neill, the RCP/LM’s attack dog, rubbishes it leads the Jacobin article’s authors to describe him as “far right”. For all that the RCP, back in the 80s day, did physically fight nazis in the street, its current incarnation claims that “open racism”, as it fought back in those days, has “vanished”. It not only denies Islamophobia, it denies the existence of racism, or at least as it idiosyncratically defines it [4].

O’Neill himself, and his magazine, have to be judged on its actions and words, and anyone reading Spiked articles can be under no illusion that this is a Right libertarian magazine that often strays into far Right territory. It’s about time that it was called out on this publicly, and not just by an obscure US Marxist magazine. O’Neill is regularly invited on to TV, radio and Press [5] because he gives good contrarian copy and is grand for the wind-up. If he were seen for what he is, the Rottweiler of a far Right organisation, his legitimacy as a pundit would be shot, as would the sect’s.

[1] Aaron Winter and Aurelien Mondon, “Normalized Hate“, Jacobin magazine, 17/8/17

[2] It’s also a clear and present danger to Moslem communities suffering racist attacks and State oppression, but the RCP/LM only has eyes for the Left and liberals as their Enemy No. 1, their Goldstein.

[3] See a 201o post on this blog.

[4] See O’Neill’s article in The Spectator, 6/8/16, “Britain’s real hate crime scandal“, in which he claims that ‘hate crime’ is a “self-sustaining myth”. The article could as easily have been written by Katie Hopkins.

[5] Including, amazingly, the Big Issue, which regularly publishes polemics by O’Neill, despite – or perhaps because – of its editor, the ex-Trotskyist John Bird, knowing the RCP/LM of old.

August 20, 2017 - Posted by | RCP/LM | , , , , , ,


  1. As a brief postscript to this, it’s clear from the below the line comments on Spiked articles that the far Right has twigged that the RCP/LM is a fellow traveller and safe haven. Not just the libertarian far Right which the RCP/LM belongs to, but also ‘old skool’ nazis, for instance:

    If PM May and Parliament somehow manage to scuttle Brexit,they will NOT like the resulting reaction of those of us who endorse and support the clear majority of Brits who voted for it…..some may have to swing from a gibbet on Tyburn Hill to drive the point home ”

    Posted by Robbins Mitchell on the Brendan O’Neill rant If they kill Brexit, they kill democracy. Followed up by a Charles Crosby on the same thread, responding to a poster writing that Mitchell’s made a death threat and is liable to be “locked up”:

    “You’re the TRAITOR that needs locking up and the key chucking away.

    Since when did expressing freedom of speech become a crime apart from in the propagandised minds of Cultural Jew Marxist scum like you?”

    The same Crosby then goes on to favourably cite old skool virulently anti-Semitic nazis like Ezra Pound. Posters like these can be found below the line on pretty much any Brexit-related article on Spiked.

    With moderated fora the norm these days, fascists, nazis and unclassifiable far Righters are normally ghettoed into old Usenet newsgroups, such as uk.politics.misc, where they have zero reach or influence and are easily killfiled. Plainly the RCP/LM believes in having unmoderated discussion on its boards, partly out of free speech principle, but mainly so that they can pull supporters and recruits from the swelling ranks of the ‘alt right’, which is where the political action is these days.

    Comment by rcpwatch | December 24, 2017 | Reply

  2. […] The RCP has long been ‘sceptical’ of the existence of racism (see this blog passim, RCP/LM as a far Right group) at any level, societal or institutional. Brendan O’Neill of Spiked infamy has regularly […]

    Pingback by The RCP writes the Tory manifesto « RCP/LM watch | April 1, 2021 | Reply

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